Monday, July 30, 2012

Friends, it's time for you to test your visibility and analytical skills. Can you find out the cat in the below pics?

Hmmmm.. Didn't find it? Try a little harder.. No luck? Scroll down to see where the cat is.. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .**
You can never find a man who has resisted ageing and death. This is impossible because man has no influence whatsoever on his body or on his own life. That he himself did not decide his birth makes this fact obvious. Another piece of evidence is man's desperateness in the face of death. The owner of life is the One Who grants it to man. And whenever He wills, He takes it back. Allah, the Owner of life, informs man about this in the verse He revealed to His Prophet (saas): We did not give any human being before you immortality. And if you die, will they then be immortal? (Surat al-Anbiya': 34) At this moment, there are millions of people living around the world. From this we conclude that countless people appeared and passed away since the creation of the first man on earth. They all died without exception. Death is a certain end: for people in the past as well for those currently alive. No one can avoid this inevitable end. This truth is revealed in the Qur'an thus: Every self will taste death. You will be paid your wages in full on the Day of Resurrection. Anyone who is distanced from the Fire and admitted to the Garden has triumphed. The life of the world is just the enjoyment of delusion. (Surah Al 'Imran: 185)
Everyone who appears on this earth is destined to die. Man only lives until a certain day and then dies. Some die very young, while still babies. Others go through all phases of life and face death in their latter years. Nothing a man possesses, neither property, fortune, status, fame, grandeur, confidence nor good looks can repel death. Without exception, all men are helpless against death and will remain so. The majority of people avoid thinking about death. It never occurs to them that they will be confronted with this absolute end someday. Some people harbor the superstitious belief that if they avoid the thought of it, that it will make them immune from death. In daily conversations, those who intend to talk about death are interrupted and cut short. Someone who does talk about death, recalls a sign from Allah, and even if it is slightly, contributes to the removal of a thick cloud of heedlessness that covers in people’s minds. Nevertheless, some people who make indifference a way of life, feel uneasy when such "disturbing" facts are presented to them. Yet, the more they try to escape from the thought of death, the more they are obsessed by thoughts about the moment they might die. Their impetuous attitude will determine the intensity of the terror and bewilderment they will experience at the moment of death, on the Day of Judgment, and during the eternal torment.
DEATH IS AN UNIVERSAL TRUTH Everyone who appears on this earth is destined to die. Man only lives until a certain day and then dies. Some die very young, while still babies. Others go through all phases of life and face death in their latter years. Nothing a man possesses, neither property, fortune, status, fame, grandeur, confidence nor good looks can repel death. Without exception, all men are helpless against death and will remain so. The majority of people avoid thinking about death. It never occurs to them that they will be confronted with this absolute end someday. Some people harbor the superstitious belief that if they avoid the thought of it, that it will make them immune from death. In daily conversations, those who intend to talk about death are interrupted and cut short. Someone who does talk about death, recalls a sign from Allah, and even if it is slightly, contributes to the removal of a thick cloud of heedlessness that covers in people’s minds. Nevertheless, some people who make indifference a way of life, feel uneasy when such "disturbing" facts are presented to them. Yet, the more they try to escape from the thought of death, the more they are obsessed by thoughts about the moment they might die. Their impetuous attitude will determine the intensity of the terror and bewilderment they will experience at the moment of death, on the Day of Judgment, and during the eternal torment.